
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Kids Food# 14 - Potato Omelette with Broccoli and Ham

This recipe came from Opperdepop, one of my favourite Dutch children's recipe books.
However, if you ask me this recipe is plain wrong.
Somewhere they made a mistake with the ingredients because my version did not look anything like their version!

But hey, we tried it and it was not really a success... firstly because it didn't look anything like an omelette, and secondly the kids did not want to eat it.


You win some, you lose some.

I'm not going to bother with giving you the recipe but if by chance you've made it and it came out well then do let me know!

1 comment:

  1. ow..... het ziet er inderdaad uit alsof het al een keer is opgegeten en toen eh.... nou ja je weet wel.... Mijn favoriete recept uit het boek zijn de marrokaanse gehaktballetjes in tomatenprutje met couscous en boontjes
