
Thursday 31 January 2013

Vanilla Pound Cake

Yes, you are right.
Yet another post about cake.
I baked way too many cakes this past month.
The problem is not really with baking them.
It is with eating them.

In search of cake ideas for Heidi's fairy themed party, I found a pound cake recipe by Donna Hay. It was in her annual kids issue which I downloaded and read via Zinio. The same one with the fairy party ideas.

It is a very basic recipe and that is why it appealed to me. Of course I modified it slightly by adding pink food colouring to the batter and decorating it with buttercream icing.

The cake itself is quite dense but that is exactly what I expect from a pound cake.

Here is the Donna Hay recipe:

250g butter, softened
250g caster sugar (superfine)
1tsp vanilla extract
4 eggs
250g plain (all purpose) flour, sifted
60ml milk

Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius.
Place butter, sugar and vanilla in an electric mixer and beat for 8 - 10 minutes until pale and fluffy.
Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Add the flour and beat well to combine.
Fold through the milk and spoon into a lightly greased 20cm round cake tin lined with non-stick baking powder (which I forgot to do but luckily the tin was grease enough so it came out easily).
Bake for 55 - 60 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer (I ended up adding 10 minutes to the baking time...). Allow to cool.

Decorate as you like!
I used butter cream icing on my cake :-)


  1. Het ziet er weer veel te lekker uit! Ik probeer juist suiker te vermijden....:-(
    Zo moeilijk!

  2. Hmmm, wat ziet dat er heerlijk uit!! Zo knap dat je dat kan maken!
    Ik ben beter in het opeten van dingen ;-)

  3. Oeh, Donna Hay! Ik ga eens even jouw link uitproberen om haar blad te downloaden!
    Mooie taart trouwens! (Mag ik niet...maar ben weer helemaal op het slechte pad, hoe gaat het bij jou?)

    1. Ik ben nu echt weer aan't lijnen hoor... heel moeilijk maar moet gewoon! Succes!!
      Nog een tip - Donna Hay heeft een leuke app voor de iPad en jij kan een van de oude versies gratis download - heel fijn!!
