Friday, 21 March 2014

Friday Again?

I really am worried about the speed time seem to race past me.
How is it possibly Friday again?
It was just Monday.
Wasn't it?

I've been trying to cook healthy and budget friendly meals like stir fries, soups, a bit of pasta. The usual staples which quite frankly does not make me want to whip out my camera. Hopefully that explains my lack of recipes and photos.

In fact one of the things on my mind is working out a flexible monthly menu so that I can save money on our meals. Failure to plan is planning to fail or in my case, spend too much money!

Oh and did I mention all I want to do is sew bags?
What is wrong with me?

At least Heidi loves her new reversible bag and she's using it as her lunch bag for school. And I'm using mine every day now for shopping and stuff. Mostly I just like looking at it too... Must be losing my mind with this selling our house and buying a new house thing.

Have a great, sunny, relaxing weekend!


  1. Yay! Dit lyk baie mooi!!

    1. Dankie Lisl! Herken jy die binneste materiaal ;-)
      Onthou om jou patroon te stuur as jy hom kry want ek wil hom graag probeer! Lekker naweek!!

  2. Leuke tassen Elma!! Kan me voorstellen dat Heidi daarmee loopt te pronken op school.
    De tijd kan idd voorbij vliegen. Doe het rustig aan en probeer van de kleine dingen te genieten!
    Fijn weekend!


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