Tuesday 25 June 2013

Soda Bread

A little buttermilk goes a long way.
Well it does in my house!
We are not big buttermilk consumers and when it arrived in one of my food crates I was quite shocked really. I mean seriously, what on earth were we going to do with a whole litre of buttermilk.
Turns out there are lots and lots of things to do with buttermilk!
One of them is baking soda bread.

This is the first time I attempted it but I just happened to have read about it on Anna's blog who in turn found it on Stins blog and they both inspired me to try it!

I did not use their recipe because I wanted to make a smaller version of the soda bread.
Good thing I did because I would have eaten the whole soda bread myself.
It is dead easy and delicious.
I'm going to be making this again (and again)!

Here is the recipe from a blog called Wholesome Ireland.

Here is a copy of the recipe (adjusted to omit seeds):

100g strong white flour
100g coarse wholemeal flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
25g salted butter, softened100ml buttermilk
Extra buttermilk for dabbing on top

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Celcius and line a baking tray.

In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking soda & butter until you get small breadcrumbs.
Pour in the buttermilk and loosely mix until it all comes together in a dough.  If it’s a little dry add a small amount of water.

Once you have a loose dough, shape into a round with your hands.  Put the dough lightly onto a baking tray and using a sharp knife, cut a deep cross into the bread but don’t cut through the whole way. Brush the top of the bread with extra buttermilk.

Bake for approximately 35 minutes. Turn off the oven, remove the bread from the tray and wrap in a damp tea towel then return it to the warm oven to cool.  This gives you a soft crust.  If you like a hard crust then leave to cool on a rack with no damp tea towel.

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